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In Greek mythology, Eioneus is a name attributed to the following individuals:

  • Eioneus, father of Dia, see Deioneus.
  • Eioneus, the presumed mythological eponym of the Thracian city of Eion. This character was the father of Rhesus, according to Homer. One source identifies him with Strymon, who was more commonly known as father of Rhesus.
  • Eioneus, a Greek warrior in the Trojan War who was killed by Hector.
  • Eioneus, son of Magnes and one of the suitors of Hippodamia. He, like all of the other suitors before Pelops, was killed by Oenomaus.
  • Eioneus, son of Proteus, father of the Phrygian king Dymas.