a. (context Scotland Ireland English) busy, industrious, diligent.
Usage examples of "eident".
I likened the parish to a widow woman with a small family, sitting in her cottage by the fireside, herself spinning with an eident wheel, ettling her best to get them a bit and a brat, and the poor weans all canty about the hearthstane--the little ones at their playocks, and the elder at their tasks--the callans working with hooks and lines to catch them a meal of fish in the morning-- and the lassies working stockings to sell at the next Marymas fair.
Mr Cayenne, I got Colin Mavis into the place, where, to the surprise of everybody, he proved a wonderful eident and active lad, and, from less to more, has come at the head of all the clerks, and deep in the confidentials of his employers.
Linlithgow, and Nicholas, being an eident soul, had a boat trysted at the Borrowstounness, and by this time doubtless will be beating down the Forth on his way to a kinder country.