EICASLAB is a software suite providing a laboratory for automatic control design and time-series forecasting developed as final output of the European ACODUASIS Project IPS-2001-42068 funded by the European Community within the Innovation Programme. The Project - during its lifetime - aimed at delivering in the robotic field the scientific breakthrough of a new methodology for the automatic control design.
To facilitate such a knowledge transfer, EICASLAB was equipped with an “automated algorithm and code generation” software engine, that allows to obtain a control algorithm algorithm even without a deep knowledge of the theory and the methodology that are otherwise normally required with traditional control design methodologies.
EICASLAB has been and is actually adopted in other European Research Projects dealing with robotics (ARFLEX IST-NMP2-016880 and PISA Project NMP2-CT-2006-026697) and automotive (HI-CEPS Project TIP5-CT-2006-031373 and ERSEC Project FP7 247955). EICASLAB is used in European industries, research institutes and academia to design control systems and time series forecasting documented in the scientific and technical literature.
EICASLAB includes tools for modelling plants, designing and testing embedded control systems, assisting the phases of the design process of the control strategy, from system concept to generation of the control software code for the final target.