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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Fox plays an egocentric movie star.
▪ He was a man of undoubted genius, but bad-tempered, egocentric, and impossible to live with.
▪ Older children are less egocentric than younger ones, and more willing to accept other people's ideas.
▪ Still, the egocentric child typically lacks any appreciation or knowledge of the game from a social point of view.
▪ The earlier humanitarian Ahab no longer concerns himself with humanity but devotes himself to his own egocentric desires.
▪ The most extreme form of dramatic playing would be egocentric play.
▪ The sensorimotor child is initially egocentric in that he lacks differentiation between the self as an object and other objects.
▪ With this awareness, children begin to accommodate to others, and egocentric thought begins to give way to social pressure.
▪ Young children's egocentric behaviour is assimilation since they are incapable of seeing anything except from their own point of view.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

egocentric \egocentric\ adj. having an attitude which is almost exclusively concerned with one's own needs or desires.

Syn: egoistical, self-centered, self-centred.


egocentric \egocentric\ n. a self-centered person with little regard for others.

Syn: egoist.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1890, from ego + -centric. Related: Egocentricity; egocentrism.


a. 1 selfish, self-centered 2 egotistical. 3 Relating to spatial representations: linked to a reference frame based on one's own location within the environment (as when giving the direction as "right" rather than "north"); opposed to allocentric. n. A person who is egocentric.

  1. adj. limited to or caring only about yourself and your own needs [syn: egoistical, self-centered, self-centred]

  2. n. a self-centered person with little regard for others [syn: egoist]


Usage examples of "egocentric".

We have seen overall development move from physiocentric to biocentric to egocentric to ethnocentric to worldcentricand it is with rationality that the various worldcentric conceptions first begin to emerge.

Of course, what culture is actually negating is biocentric and egocentric perception, and this the divine ego will not countenance.

And the eternal equation of geocentric and egocentric comes lurching to the fore.

We would then be driven merely by pleasure and pain, and thus we would have no resources in ourselves that could deny our own egocentric drives in the name of a deeper and wider compassion for others.

And do you also know that had your egocentric, blind lead wizard not been so protective of his silly secret of the training of young females in the craft, you could have easily stopped me from accomplishing all that I have?

And, as all Eco-Romantics eventually discovered, the prepersonal structures are actually the most intensely egocentric.

Sam had wanted to give the company an antiestablishment name like General Egocentric or Hewlett-Hacker, but she had stubbornly resisted.

Eco-camps completely take for granted, and thus completely overlook, the vast networks of intersubjective meaning and dialogical fabric that allow them to present and even comprehend a holistic web in the first place: they have no idea of the extensive dynamics of intersubjective communicative exchange that allows and upholds their objective web-of-life systems theories, and thus they have no actual recommendations as to how to reproduce that intersubjective agreement and mutual understanding in others or in the world at largethey can only aggressively insist that everybody agree with them and accept their systems view, utterly ignoring how the intersubjective worldspace develops from egocentric to sociocentric to worldcentric comprehension.

But by moving out from the confines of our egocentric limitations, we see, more and more, the Great Power at work and realize our own incapacity to alter the primal patterns of creation, even in the manifestation of one subatomic particle.

A typical egocentric pathological legacy is a van Gieson staining of a Schwann cell nuclei from a Schwannoma, and Scarpetta fails to understand why German naturalist Theodor Schwann would have wanted a tumor named after him.

Ego, of inserting it back into the larger currents of Life and Love, the Eco camps ended up inadvertently, paradoxicallychampioning modes of knowing and feeling that were supremely egocentric and flagrantly narcissistic.

We see it in Marx: rationality, as a worldcentric mode of cognition, will, with its economic developments, overcome egocentric and ethnocentric class divisions and usher in a true communion of equally free subjects.

The self becomes less and less egocentric, and thus embraces more and more holons as worthy of equal respect.

Often we are so confused and unaware of what is going on within us that we take egocentric credit for what are really imbalances or weaknesses in our expression as humans.

Lydia had spent some of her money for an AP nursemaid and had taken on herself the full responsibility for making certain that Alice did not become egocentric and asocial as was often the case with children left too much in the care of APs.