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n. (plural of eggnog English)

Usage examples of "eggnogs".

It's some kind of a joke about eggnogs and a Christmas party years and years ago.

Frankly, I'm rather tired of the eggnogs that our hosts insist on serving.

Nearly all the Americans left in Berlin were there, chatting over eggnogs and then assembling at three long tables for a meal of roast goose, pumpkin pie, fruit, cheese, and cakes, all from Denmark.

But he wasn't in his eyes - the essential he who had washed her back and punched her in the gut and had done both because he worried about her, worried a lot, the he who had once tried to braid her hair when she was seven, made a botch of it, and then got giggling with her about the way it stuck out everyway, the he who knew how to make cinnamon eggnogs on Sunday that tasted better than anything you could buy for a quarter at the Derry Ice Cream Bar, the father-he, maleman of her life, delivering a mixed post from that other sexual state.