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The Collaborative International Dictionary

effusive \ef*fu"sive\, a.

  1. Pouring out; pouring forth freely. [archaic] ``Washed with the effusive wave.''

  2. (Geol.) formed by an outpouring of molten lava, or pertaining to rocks so formed.

  3. overly demonstrative; expressing emotion in an unrestrained manner; exhibiting unrestrained enthusiasm; -- of people and human actions; as, effusive thanks; an effusive letter of recommendation. Contrasted with reserved. [WordNet sense 1+2]

    Syn: gushing, gushy, burbling, burbly. [PJC]

    Effusive rocks (Geol.), volcanic rocks formed by a nonexplosive outpouring of lava in molten or plastic form; in distinction from so-called intrusive, or plutonic, rocks. -- Ef*fu"sive*ly, adv. -- Ef*fu"sive*ness, n.


adv. in an effusive manner


adv. in an effusive manner; "the critics praised her effusively"

Usage examples of "effusively".

I embraced her effusively, and the sly little puss, pretending to be surprised to see Marcoline, made her a profound bow, which was returned with much grace.

This he did effusively, embracing those men and officers with whom he had campaigned or trained in past years, and praising them for the brave service they had provided under his command.

He interrupted Red Davie to shake hands effusively, and to introduce Mr Craw.

I told her effusively that I knew how great was my happiness, and that I was ready to sacrifice my life to her to prove my love.

Molly were thanking the little man effusively as he stood aside and counted their family in.

Two Sealyham terriers, and a young Irish setter, who effusively made the Chief Inspector welcome.

Pauline said nothing, but covered her with kisses, which Sophie returned effusively.

Back home, there followed a detailed bout of valedictory lovemaking, with Selina game and longsuffering, and me as effusively carnal as ever.

Despite this vitality of purpose, I felt bereft, dismally alone, and when Richard Causey came to visit, I greeted him effusively, offering him refreshment from my store of junk food.

They proceeded downward into the garden from the lofty and balustered terrace, Questioner leading the way without at all seeming to do so, while Ellin and Bao chatted inoffensively and commented effusively.

They apologized effusively for not understanding the true import of the chromos, and said that, now that I had explained them, they were unanimous in agreeing that these were the most important pictures in the house.

From Russo's apartment Edy Bullock called her grandfather to warn him that she would probably make the front page and assure him that she was all right and in safe hands, and Clarence Howe was effusively grateful to Jay Jay.

When they were finally led into the Chief Administrator's underground office, mousy little Nien Nunb got up, came around his low desk, and greeted each of them effusively, although they did not actually know one another.

Banat, with flourishes, introduced them individually and effusively, but Edge could grasp only that all their names were prefixed with Pana, and all their names sounded like gargles.