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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Effectually \Ef*fec"tu*al*ly\, adv.

  1. With effect; efficaciously.

  2. Actually; in effect. [Obs.]


adv. In such a way as to achieve a desired result; effectively.


adv. in an effectual manner; "Bismarck was constantly criticised by the more liberal newspapers, and he retaliated by passing an emergency decree that effectually muzzled the press" [ant: ineffectually]

Usage examples of "effectually".

Lady Blandish, pressing an almondy finger-nail to one of the Aphorisms, which instanced how age and adversity must clay-enclose us ere we can effectually resist the magnetism of any human creature in our path.

He then recounted to Arabin once more how he had been chased by men with coffins, and likewise how effectually he had done up one of his pursuers.

I again began to hope that I had effectually disgusted my suitor, but one morning my governess told me that Father Freire was waiting to speak to me in the ante-chamber.

A microscopical examination of the green copper ores of secondary origin in the Clifton and Morenci district of Arizona proves brochantite to be of extremely common occurrence mostly intergrown with malachite which effectually masks its presence: it is not unlikely that the malachite of other localities will on examination be found to be intergrown with brochantite.

The powder dries the surface and favors the speedy formation of a coagulum, or clotted covering, which effectually checks any further hemorrhage.

Then he resolved to force their lines: this service was effectually performed by Coehorn, at the point of Callo, and by baron Spaar, in the county of Waes, near Stoken.

Before you go the fusuma are slidden back, and what was your room becomes part of a great, open, matted space--an arrangement which effectually prevents fustiness.

Middlemas had finished serving coffee, before Jaikie had made up his mind whether he preferred Alison in her present tidiness or in the gipsydom of the morning, there appeared a figure which effectually banished its complacent tranquillity.

Nanette was the recipient of my last bounties, for Madame Orio having left the house to go to church, I had to hasten my departure, after assuring the two lovely sisters that they had effectually extinguished whatever flame might still have flickered in my heart for Angela.

He said he was sure I had not only saved Betty, but had effectually cured her of her folly.

When he heard the nature of my disease, he wanted me to stay three days at Tournay for him to give me fifteen pills, which would effectually cure me, and restore me to perfect health.

Thus, then, by the operation of this mobocratic spirit which all must admit is now abroad in the land, the strongest bulwark of any government, and particularly of those constituted like ours, may effectually be broken down and destroyed--I mean the attachment of the people.

Overt Birth Control knowledge had been successfully banned, though this produced no effect in the decline in population, and the Modern State nuclei had been boycotted more effectually there than in any other part of the world.

Italy, had secured all the fords of the Adige, the Mincio, and the Oglio, and formed such lines and intrenchments as he imagined would effectually hinder the Imperial general from arriving in time to relieve the city of Turin.

The small pedicle or cord-like mass of vessels that supplies the tumor, are then carefully treated after a plan invented by, and peculiar to, ourselves, which effectually prevents any bleeding, and, at the same time, does not leave any irritating substance, such as burned and charred flesh, rubber, silk, or any other unabsorbable material, within the abdomen.