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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Effable \Ef"fa*ble\, a. [L. effabilis; ex out + fari to speak.] Capable of being uttered or explained; utterable.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"that may be (lawfully) expressed in words," 1630s, from French effable or directly, from Latin effabilis "utterable," from effari "to utter" (see ineffable). Now obsolete or archaic.


Etymology 1 a. (context archaic English) able to be spoken of; able to be expressed. Etymology 2

a. (context slang vulgar English) fuckable; sexually attractive.

Usage examples of "effable".

These seekers of the earthy and very effable delights of his house quickly became a nuisance, and Bardo had to begin issuing invitations to his joyances.