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The Collaborative International Dictionary

educate \ed"u*cate\ ([e^]d"[-u]*k[=a]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Educated ([e^]d"[-u]*k[=a]`t[e^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. Educating ([e^]d"[-u]*k[=a]`t[i^]ng).] [L. educatus, p. p. of educare to bring up a child physically or mentally, to educate, fr. educere to lead forth, bring up (a child). See Educe.] To bring up or guide the powers of, as a child; to develop and cultivate, whether physically, mentally, or morally, but more commonly limited to the mental activities or senses; to expand, strengthen, and discipline, as the mind, a faculty, etc.; to form and regulate the principles and character of; to prepare and fit for any calling or business by systematic instruction; to cultivate; to train; to instruct; as, to educate a child; to educate the eye or the taste.

Syn: To develop; instruct; teach; inform; enlighten; edify; bring up; train; breed; rear; discipline; indoctrinate.


vb. (present participle of educate English)

Usage examples of "educating".

Why should they be discriminated against in educating the Negro in the South?

He loves his country and his Southland, and is educating his children to do likewise.

The honest, law-abiding Negro who has a home, is getting a little property, has a small bank account, and is educating his children to useful citizenship, attracts little or no attention.

We have reason to believe that the Baptist is a close second to the Methodist Church in this matter of educating the Negro.

In the city of Newburyport, as I have been informed, there are no exceptions to the custom of educating all the children of the town in the public schools up to the moment when young men enter college.

It must stand as a whole, educating the entire people, and looking to all for support, or it cannot be permanently maintained.

The power of educating a people, which is, in fine, the chief power in a state, has been often, if not usually, perverted to the support of favored opinions in religion and government.

Justinian and Theodora accepted the honor of educating and enriching the female descendants of the great Theodosius.

A basic and vital requirement of these days is the matter of educating the.

You must therefore offer praise with every breath, for you are educating your spiritual children.

Our duty lies in educating souls so that the Sun of the bestowals of God shall become resplendent in them, and this is possible through the power of the oneness of humanity.

There is always a battle between the vigorous, wilful child and the grown-up who demands submission from him, and many of these splendidly equipped children are destroyed in the process of educating them.

To a large extent, our present system of educating girls is the cause of this palor and weakness.

Its object is to call attention to the errors of physical training that have crept into, and twined themselves about, our ways of educating girls, both in public and private schools, and which now threaten to attain a larger development, and inflict a consequently greater injury, by their introduction into colleges and large seminaries of learning, that have adopted, or are preparing to adopt, the co-education of the sexes.

English weaver and writer in Lancashire dialect, was born near Manchester, the son of humble parents, and started life in a textile factory, educating himself in his spare time.