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EDT may refer to:

EDT (text editor)

There are at least two major text editors named EDT: one was made by Digital Equipment Corporation, the other by RCA for its TSOS operating system for its Spectra series mainframes. The RCA version was later sold to Sperry Univac (which later became Unisys), was released for the VS/9 operating system, and is currently in use on Fujitsu BS2000 OSD Mainframes and the BS2000 Operating system. Other than sharing a name, neither editor had any relation to each other in method of operation, use, or functionality.

Digital's EDT ran on minicomputers, could respond to single keystrokes, and used function keys to implement commands to the editor. RCA/Univac/Fujitsu's EDT ran on mainframes, could only respond to a full line (or multiple lines separated by return) after the transmit key is pressed, and uses commands are entered in the typed-in text when preceded by the command symbol (the at sign "@" which can be changed.)