- Ferber and St. Vincent Millay
- Author Ferber et al
- Ferber et al
- Ferber and Buchanan
- Ferber and a Dame
- Best, Ferber and Millay
- Writer Ferber and others
- Krabappel and Ferber
- Best and O'Brien
- Actress Best and writer Ferber
- ___ Goldfish (ska band)
- Writers O'Brien and Ferber
- Writers Ferber and O'Brien
- Writers Ferber and Buchanan
- Writers Buchanan and Ferber
- Writer Ferber et al
- People with the same name as a famed dame
- Novelist O'Brien et al
- Mystery writer Buchanan and others
- Millay, Ferber
- Millay and Best
- Ferber, and others
- Ferber and Krabappel
- Everage and Ferber
- Everage and Bullock
- Chaplin leading lady Purviance and others
- Best and more
- Best and Everage
- Author Ferber and actress Best
- Millay and Ferber
- Fashion editor Chase et al.
- Author Ferber and others
- Purviance and O'Brien
- Ferber and others
- Best and others
- Actress Best and others
- Ferber and O'Brien
- Novelists Ferber and O'Brien
- Aussie "Dame" and others
- Novelist O'Brien and others
- Best and Ferber
- Authors Ferber and O'Brien
- Writer Buchanan and others
- "Hairspray" mom and others
- Actresses Best and Purviance
- ___ Edibles (food shop on "The Facts of Life")
- Ferber and Krabappel, for two
- Authors Ferber and Millay
- Ferber and Millay, genetically
- Best and Wallace Hopper
- Ferber and Best
- Ferber et al.
- Best and Oliver
- Best and Millay
- Best and Purviance
- Ferber and Purviance
- Best and Stengel