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n. A tool that is used to trim the edges of a lawn

  1. n. a person who puts finishing edges on a garment

  2. garden tool for cutting grass around the edges of a yard


An edge trimmer or lawn edger is a tool, either manual or motorised, to form distinct boundaries between a lawn, typically consisting of a grass, or other soft botanical ground cover, and another ground surface feature such as a paved, concreted or asphalted area, or a granular material such as sand or gravel, or simply uncovered soil, for example an unbounded garden.

There are six main types of lawn edger:

  • Manual
    • Spade based
    • Roller based
    • Hand shears
  • Motorised
    • Adaptable string trimmer
    • Single-wheel purpose-design
    • Multi-wheel purpose-design

Purpose designed lawn edgers are more time efficient for long even edges and string trimmers are more efficient for angular edges and around interrupting features such as rocks. Spade based, roller based, and adaptable string trimmer designs may all be known as stick trimmers.

Typical situations for the use of lawn edgers are to define clean boundaries, and stop grass incursion, between lawns and walkways or gardens in private properties and public areas, and between sand traps and greens or fairways on golf courses.

Usage examples of "edger".

Miri was formally introduced to Edger, Handler, Selector, and Sheather, each by his abbreviated, visa name.

He paused and poured himself a glass of the canary before sliding into the seat between Edger and Miri.

He floundered, the end of his sentence in sight and no graceful exit apparent, but Edger rescued him noisily.

Perceiving that Edger was in the throes of his passion yet again, his Clan members composed themselves to listen.

Clutch and stood before Edger to make the obeisance that indicated he had urgent need to speak.

The racket reached the sharp ears of the Clutch, three floors up, and Edger so far forgot protocol as to cut short a question being posed by his brother Selector to rise and move, with haste, to the door.

He should, Ing told Watcher, be with Edger within the next planet day.

If you would repay Edger for the gift, play for him when next you meet.

She and the others took their seats by precedence of seniority, Tom Edger first, herself, three vacancies, then Keu and Porey.

Tom Edger showed up, with Edo Porey, and they took their places at the table.

It was an audience of two, herself and Tom Edger, and Edger had gotten there first.

He brought the glasses back, set them before him, slid them in either hand to Edger and to her.

She smiled and nodded at Mazian, but not at Edger, and walked out with a deliberate lightness.

When she entered the lift and started down to meet her escort, Edger was not with her.

It would sweep Edger over, exposing the softer shell across his chest.