a. Relating to, or having the properties or appearance of, ectoplasm.
Usage examples of "ectoplasmic".
The luminous mirrors of pond and marsh should have been alive with nixies and water goblins, the long grasses aflicker with the half-seen ectoplasmic wings of the faes and the brown, scurrying feet of lobs.
Not for Merrie the obscurities of ectoplasmic artforms, or the etheric darkness of oblique pentagons or magic.
He wouldn't have been greatly surprised if he had glanced at his rearview mirror and seen Thomas Vanadium's blue Studebaker Lark Regal closely tailing him, not the real car raised from Quarry Lake, but a ghostly version, with the filthy-scabby-monkey spirit of the cop at the wheel, an ectoplasmic Naomi at his side, Victoria Bressler and Ichabod and Bartholomew Prosser and Neddy Gnathic in the backseat: the Studebaker packed full of spirits like a bozo-stuffed clown car in a circus, though there would be nothing funny about these revenge-minded spooks when the doors flew open and they came tumbling out.
Liberated from our chains of flesh, we drifted around the ceiling in an ectoplasmic haze, enjoying the slinkiness of the sensation.
I mean, the Count uses his victims like we just used these toilet bowls, right, only somehow he doesn't have to stick his finger down his throat, sort of like ectoplasmic bulimia, or like he's a cow, and we're his extra stomach.