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n. (obsolete spelling of ecstasy English)

Usage examples of "ecstacy".

I again took the course of deceiving her by pretended ecstacies and movements, followed by complete rest.

Now and then we recollected that the time of our separation was near at hand, our grief was bitter, but we contrived to forget it in the ecstacy of our amorous enjoyment.

After the first ecstacy was over, I proceeded to examine her beauties, and with my usual amorous frenzy told her that she should send her tailor out to graze and live with me.

Only you must moderate your ecstacies, for I cannot love a man who cannot exercise self-restraint.

Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Alain and the hounds and that made him run harder, although he seemed to be grinning like a madman, caught in an ecstacy of flight and fury.

After the first ecstacy, our eyes and lips unclosed together, and a little apart from each other we take delight in seeing the mutual satisfaction beaming on our features.

The loveliness of her features was so heavenly that it carried to the soul an indefinable sentiment of ecstacy, a delightful calm.

Admiration kept me in a sort of ecstacy, and I never heard one word of their conversation.

After that delightful ecstacy I assisted her to undress, and a simple gown of Indian muslin soon metamorphosed my lovely nun into a beautiful nymph.

The modesty inherent in the sex, the fear of results, perhaps a kind of instinct which reveals to them the natural faithlessness of men make women ask for such promises, but what mistress, if really amorous, would even think of asking her lover to respect her in the moment of delirious ecstacy, when all one's being is centred on the fulfilment of desire?

He was delighted to find himself so near the goal of his desires, and his ecstacy received a new momentum when he saw how cordially Madame Audibert received him.

This brought me to my senses, and I made my fair Venetian happy again by embracing her in a sort of ecstacy.

If you knew how pleased I am when I see you enjoy yourself, and particularly when I witness your ecstacy in listening to fine music!

I saw how my fruitless efforts vexed the Undine, and perceiving that Madame d'Urfe had had enough, I again took the course of deceiving her by pretended ecstacies and movements, followed by complete rest.

As the coffee began to percolate, it occurred to her how easy it would be to do just that, drop acid, ketamine, PCP, Ecstacy, rat poison, kerosene or a dead cat into the cistern.