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n. (plural of ecosphere English)

Usage examples of "ecospheres".

Before the EVA, Charlie discovered that the… nanotech in the ecospheres was dropping out of its networks for an unexplained reason.

He leaned back in his chair, in his lab, among the dying ecospheres and the hydroponics tanks, and swung his feet onto the lab bench.

We worked on it for years: a non-DNA life system capable of forming its own ecospheres in environments more extreme than the ones DNA can readily cope with.

The arks launched before the Crash are still en route and if Eveline Hywood and her panspermist friends are right, the galaxy must be full of worlds that have ecospheres of their own, including many that are ripe for colonization.

The planet is still geologically active, and many ecospheres have therefore evolved and continue to evolve, resulting in a rich profusion of plants and animals, most of which are eaten, in one form or another, by one or more of the many human tribal subcultures, though, alas, the planetary mismanagement by the still rather primitive humans is presently resulting in a certain narrowing of this wonderful biological diversity.

But both those species lived in rich ecospheres, where food existed in abundance.

Conserving ecospheres, let alone repairing them, isn’t so easy, especially as we never understood how they worked anyhow.

We know so far that test tube ecospheres, created in laboratories like this one, have managed to sustain healthy microbial populations for over, twenty years.

Behind Tuf a dozen towering plasteel ecospheres emerged from the walls, each open at the top and full of soil.