n. Economic policies that favour the home nation sometimes at the expense of other nations
Economic nationalism is a body of policies that emphasize domestic control of the economy, labor, and capital formation, even if this requires the imposition of tariffs and other restrictions on the movement of labor, goods and capital. In many cases, economic nationalists oppose globalization or at least question the benefits of unrestricted free trade. Economic nationalism may include such doctrines as protectionism and import substitution.
Usage examples of "economic nationalism".
Correspondingly, opposition to economic nationalism (for others) is virtually a reflex among global planners.
The whole philosophy of economic nationalism, which is now universal throughout the world, is based upon the false belief that the economic interest of one nation is necessarily opposed to that of another.
Britain pursued similar policies of economic nationalism, assigning rights to state-chartered monopolies, first (1581) for Turkey and the entire Middle East, then the rest of Asia and North America.
The American people were faced with big changes in the way they lived and worked, and with big questions to be answered: Would we choose global economic engagement or economic nationalism?
In the field of economics, an incomplete science, but nevertheless one that you can't possibly ignore, I think the most illuminating book I've ever, read is one by Maurice Colburn, called Economic Nationalism.