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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ A report by the Royal College of Physicians of London concluded that studies of clinical ecologists were seriously flawed.
▪ In a well publicised case a patient recently committed suicide while under the care of a clinical ecologist.
▪ The question of validity of the methods of clinical ecologists is essentially what constitutes good science.
▪ Papers written by clinical ecologists for clinical ecologists in clinical ecology journals have little scientific impact.
▪ But just as they did so, ecologists, epidemiologists, and alarmed demographers have taken up the cry.
▪ Clinical ecologists therefore attempt to diagnose and treat a disease which conventional doctors believe does not exist.
▪ Economists say the ecosystem is basically healthy; ecologists worry it may, be on the verge of being irreparably damaged.
▪ Huntsmen know that convincing opponents they are ecologists is a tough job.
▪ In a well publicised case a patient recently committed suicide while under the care of a clinical ecologist.
▪ Interestingly, many ecologists are far more concerned about the problem of resistance than they are about horizontal transfer.
▪ The ecologists building the wilderness areas of Bio2 were of the school that says: soil bugs ecology.
▪ This is a misconception that forest ecologists have for years been at pains to correct, but to little avail.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

ecologist \ecologist\ ([-e]*k[o^]l"[-o]*j[i^]st), n. a biologist who studies the relation between organisms and their environment.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1893, see ecology + -ist.


n. A scholar of ecology.


n. a biologist who studies the relation between organisms and their environment

Usage examples of "ecologist".

Only a few people live there, park rangers and behaviorists and ecologists.

Any insects there now are there because the bionomics board planned it that way and the chief ecologist okayed the invasion.

They also qualified certain experts and put them on the stand an expert in beach erosion and how to limit its damage, a hydrologist, an ecologist and an expert in oceanfront construction.

And so the ecologists smoked their toalache, and they saw visions of their life as it could be, and they bred their children to have pointed noses and flippers and fluked tails.

Ladies, may I present by rank of Nation, the notable Hugh Archimbault of Port Sire, National ecologist presently lecturing in the exchange program at Inlansay, and from Port Merilyn the notable Tamas Hamm, presently enroled in postgrad studies in the Inlansay matins.

In conjunction with the senior psychologist, who will organize certain alterations in shipside conditions designed to create subconscious discomfort in the minds of the landing party, the senior ecologist will render it impossible for the full complement of what I foresee to be roughly two thousand persons to remain indefinitely within the ship.

All sorts of theorists, from deep ecologists to social critics, from ecofeminists to postmodern poststructuralists, have found the notion of hierarchy not only undesirable but a bona fide cause of much social domination, oppression, and injustice.

Later, the ecologists were to find that this work was crude in detail, but from a distance its superiority to the village was most marked.

Both pekes and bears had little black monkey-like paws, many of which were now raised as if in supplication as the ecologists approached.

The two ecologists looked at each other and then ran down the trail, bursting full tilt into the clearing.

The remark bad got Chuck Luce into trouble and produced a storm of abuse from ecologists and others.

I can only blame the so-called ecologists and their gassing on about carbon dioxides and whatnot, because has it never occurred to anyone else except me that this may just be part of the Great Plan for humankind to have evolved to the point where we can spray fluorocarbonated air fresheners hither and yon to offset the next scheduled Ice Age?

We’re one of the most advanced worlds in human civilization, and for a decade we’ve been devoting most of our educational efforts to training ecologists and biotechs.

Our own biotechs and ecologists will want to examine the damn thing, and the High Council will want to run a few projections.

Do you truly suppose that any staff of ecologists and biotechs, however expert and dedicated, could have devised a lasting answer?