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n. (plural of ecology English)

Usage examples of "ecologies".

We collected local ecologies and settled them on maps of their worlds.

Nadia was surprised to hear this—these were the Vishniac labs, after all, world leaders in technologically supported ecologies, having lived for decades hidden in a mohole.

Nadia was surprised to hear this-these were the Vishniac labs, after all, world leaders in technologically supported ecologies, having lived for decades hidden in a mohole.

I suspect that once we began talking about unbalanced ecologies earlier, I somehow had an unconscious glimpse of animals grown dangerous in the absence of human beings.

I participated in the same conversation concerning unbalanced ecologies and I didn’t have that same foresight.

I participated in the same conversation concerning unbalanced ecologies and I didn't have that same foresight.

Even where individuals survived, ecologies everywhere would be devastated.

This is serious anywhere, but on an island it is a very special problem, because island ecologies are fundamentally different to mainland ones.