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adv. 1 In an ecological manner. 2 regarding ecology


adv. with respect to ecology; "ecologically speaking, this idea is brilliant; economically, it is a disaster"

Usage examples of "ecologically".

Nowadays, of course, the more ecologically correct birdseed had taken the place of grain.

And anyone who once adds up the living number must act ecologically, commensally forever.

A shopping center is an adaptation to place, but the place is defined demographically and economically, not ecologically or aesthetically.

Squadron D have to be revised if four of the twenty probed are either ecologically nonviable or prove to be failed colonies.

This is a phylogenetically and ecologically diverse group of vertebrates.

And, in fact, many tribes, as Lenski points out, simply remained at one location until they had ecologically depleted the area, and then were forced to move on.

When combined, the 111 species of vertebrates present a quite diverse assemblage of organisms taxonomically and ecologically.

And thus it is small wonder that, in these ecologically disastrous times, many moderns are attempting to resurrect the natural wisdom of tribal awareness more attuned with the biosphere.

Dedelphi, an embattled, ecologically threatened race, signed a treaty with the Bioverse Corp in the hopes that Bioverse would be able to reverse the ecological damage on their planet and stop the horrible engineered plagues that had been unleashed during a recent war.

Beyond the turtle problem is the impact of cruise parties upon the whole park, one of the most ecologically sensitive marine preserves in the country.

Although a few bands and tribes survive today on remote and ecologically marginal lands outside state control, fully independent chiefdoms had disappeared by the early twentieth century, because they tended to occupy prime land coveted by states.

Just as exchanges of domesticates between ecologically diverse regions enriched Chinese food production, exchanges between culturally diverse regions enriched Chinese culture and technology, and fierce competition between warring chiefdoms drove the formation of ever larger and more centralized states (Chapter 14).

But almost all of the colonists, including the New Quakers and Gail's ecologically minded family and Faisal's benevolent dictatorship and the Chinese group, were peaceful people, not inclined to crime.

Another planet is ecologically on the point of ruin, presumably because the Hiver extermination policy eliminated something vital to its ecosystem.

Instead, what cries out for explanation is the failure of food production to appear, until modern times, in some ecologically very suitable areas that are among the world's richest centers of agriculture and herding today.