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n. (plural of ecofeminist English)

Usage examples of "ecofeminists".

All sorts of theorists, from deep ecologists to social critics, from ecofeminists to postmodern poststructuralists, have found the notion of hierarchy not only undesirable but a bona fide cause of much social domination, oppression, and injustice.

The claim itself has been put forward in a strong and positive light by many radical feminists and ecofeminists, and equally condemned by many liberal feminists.

Zoroastrian dualism, the same arrogant assumption that the Goddess could be banished, when all that was banished was a poorly differentiated mythos that many ecofeminists have severely reinterpreted to fit their ideology.

But by claiming that She was banished, and by purporting to know how and why it happened, these ecofeminists are then in possession of a certain type of intensely dominating power, the power to tell the entire world what it must do in order to recapture an ethos of which these theorists are now the sole possessors.

By and large, however, the ecofeminists have simply substituted egoic-communion for egoic-agency, still caught as they are in the other pole, the Eco-communion pole, of the fundamental Enlightenment paradigm.