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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Eclipse \E*clipse"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Eclipsed ([-e]*kl[i^]pst"); p. pr. & vb. n. Eclipsing.]

  1. To cause the obscuration of; to darken or hide; -- said of a heavenly body; as, the moon eclipses the sun.

  2. To obscure, darken, or extinguish the beauty, luster, honor, etc., of; to sully; to cloud; to throw into the shade by surpassing. ``His eclipsed state.''

    My joy of liberty is half eclipsed.


vb. (present participle of eclipse English)

Usage examples of "eclipsing".

Killashandra's cry of protest was made to the immense back of the Bailiff which was disappearing through the aperture, totally eclipsing Lars.

The celebrators reminded Cordelia of primitive Earth men banging pots and firing guns to drive off the dragon that was eating the eclipsing moon.

His fatigues were dirty and wrinkled and looked slept--in, their smoke-stink eclipsing Cordelia's mountain-reek.

You had come from nowhere, eclipsing Lot as you would soon eclipse Uther.

At the moment,Whip Hand was rolling toward Jaina and her approaching squadron, almost eclipsing her view of the damaged cruiser.

At the moment, Whip Hand was rolling toward Jaina and her approaching squadron, almost eclipsing her view of the damaged cruiser.

A view of the sun in eclipse supported that statement as flares leaped dramatically from behind the eclipsing moon's disk.

Marmion was delighted, but Torkel seemed less than pleased, especially as Sinead Shongili stood, feet braced as official welcoming committee, partially eclipsing Aisling Senungatuk.

Sarah was his present, and he was stunned anew by the fierce passion he felt for her, eclipsing the relationship he’d had with Diane, because his capacity for love had increased so much under Sarah’s gentle glow.