Échevin, also anglicized as eschevin, may refer to:
- Belgian échevins, a municipal office in present-day Belgium, usually known in English by its Dutch name schepen
- French échevins, a municipal office in medieval and early modern northern France
- Luxembourger échevins, a municipal office in present-day Luxembourg
An échevin , sometimes translated as alderman, is a member of the administration of a Luxembourgian commune. Together, they form the collège échevinal , which helps the mayor run the administration. In most communes, échevins have designated roles within the administration, adopting separate briefs as in a cabinet.
Échevins are elected by the commune's council, and represent the make-up of the governing coalition. Formally, échevins of cities are named by the Grand Duke, whilst those of other communes are named by the Minister for the Interior. Échevins must be members of the communal council and hold Luxembourgian nationality.
Most communes have two échevins, but more-populous ones are allowed more if granted that right by Grand Ducal decree: communes with 10,000 to 19,999 inhabitants may have 3 échevins, communes with 20,000 or more may have 4 échevins, and Luxembourg City may have up to six.
Usage examples of "echevin".
He was away somewhere and so was the Burgomaster, so I contented myself with seeing one of the Echevins, whom I had met a number of times.
We saw the Governor and the Mayor and Echevins, and talked things out at length.
The Ambassadors, the mayor and echevins, the castle Governor, the guests.
These illustrious ladies appeared so lovely on the sign, -- they presented to the astonished eyes such an assemblage of lilies and roses, the enchanting result of the change of style in Pittrino -- they assumed the poses of sirens so Anacreontically -- that the principal echevin, when admitted to view this capital piece in the salle of Cropole, at once declared that these ladies were too handsome, of too animated a beauty, to figure as a sign in the eyes of passers-by.