The Collaborative International Dictionary
Eccentric \Ec*cen"tric\ ([e^]k*s[e^]n"tr[i^]k), a. [F. excentrique, formerly also spelled eccentrique, fr. LL. eccentros out of the center, eccentric, Gr. 'e`kkentros; 'ek out of + ke`ntron center. See Ex-, and Center, and cf. Excentral.]
Deviating or departing from the center, or from the line of a circle; as, an eccentric or elliptical orbit; pertaining to deviation from the center or from true circular motion.
Not having the same center; -- said of circles, ellipses, spheres, etc., which, though coinciding, either in whole or in part, as to area or volume, have not the same center; -- opposed to concentric.
(Mach.) Pertaining to an eccentric; as, the eccentric rod in a steam engine.
Not coincident as to motive or end.
His own ends, which must needs be often eccentric to those of his master.
--Bacon. -
Deviating from stated methods, usual practice, or established forms or laws; deviating from an appointed sphere or way; departing from the usual course; irregular; anomalous; odd; as, eccentric conduct. ``This brave and eccentric young man.'' --Macaulay. He shines eccentric, like a comet's blaze. --Savage. Eccentric anomaly. (Astron.) See Anomaly. Eccentric chuck (Mach.), a lathe chuck so constructed that the work held by it may be altered as to its center of motion, so as to produce combinations of eccentric combinations of eccentric circles. Eccentric gear. (Mach.)
The whole apparatus, strap, and other parts, by which the motion of an eccentric is transmitted, as in the steam engine.
A cogwheel set to turn about an eccentric axis used to give variable rotation.
Eccentric hook or Eccentric gab, a hook-shaped journal box on the end of an eccentric rod, opposite the strap.
Eccentric rod, the rod that connects an eccentric strap with any part to be acted upon by the eccentric.
Eccentric sheave, or Eccentric pulley, an eccentric.
Eccentric strap, the ring, operating as a journal box, that encircles and receives motion from an eccentric; -- called also eccentric hoop.
Syn: Irregular; anomalous; singular; odd; peculiar; erratic; idiosyncratic; strange; whimsical.
n. (context astronomy celestial mechanics English) The angle ''PCR'' formed by ''P'' = the periapsis of a celestial body's elliptical orbit, ''C'' = the center of that elliptical orbit, and ''R'' = the ''corresponding point'' to that celestial body (the projection of the celestial body along a direction parallel to the minor axis of its orbit onto the ''auxiliary circle'' (a circle which shares a diameter with the major axis of the celestial body's orbit)).
In orbital mechanics, eccentric anomaly is an angular parameter that defines the position of a body that is moving along an elliptic Kepler orbit. The eccentric anomaly is one of three angular parameters ("anomalies") that define a position along an orbit, the other two being the true anomaly and the mean anomaly.