- German WWII fast motor torpedo vessel
- Snake in alien surroundings — through water it sped
- Snake appearing in film — through water it sped
- WWII craft
- WWII vessel
- WWII torpedo craft
- WWII torpedo vessel
- WWII marine attacker
- WWII German torpedo craft
- WWII raider
- Wartime vessel
- Small, high-speed British vessel
- German WWII vessel
- German torpedo shooter of WWII
- British warcraft
- British war vessel of WWII
- British war craft
- British W.W. II craft
- British craft of W.W. II
- Above-water torpedo craft of WWII
- "Schnellboot" of World War II
- Enemy vessel
- Diesel-engine submarine
- W.W. II torpedo vessel
- Torpedo vessel
- W.W. II menace
- W.W. II vessel
- W.W. II craft
- W.W. II torpedo craft
- W.W. II attacker
- W.W. II marine threat
- Brit torpedo craft
- Counterpart of a British M.T.B.
- Armed vessel, Brit. style
- Eng. foes' fast craft
- Torpedo craft, British style
- Armed vessel, British style
- Foe's light vessel, British style
- Small German craft
- German torpedo vessel
- Fast threat to British ships