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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Easy-chair \Eas"y-chair`\ ([=e]z"[y^]*ch[^a]r`), n. An armchair for ease or repose. ``Laugh . . . in Rabelais' easy-chair.''

Usage examples of "easy-chair".

They found her in her boudoir, seated in an easy-chair, beside a window overlooking the avenue, and with her baby on her lap.

Two easy-chairs stood before the fire, a sopha was between it and the door, and a desk with an upright chair stood near the single small and dirty window.

X When she returned, Robert Monteith sat asleep over his paper in his easy-chair.

She had just emerged from its white-tiled, silver-tapped luxury a few minutes before Lady Arabella, together with Gillian and Michael Quarrington, presented themselves at her dressing-room door, and they found her ensconced in an easy-chair by the fire, sipping a cup of steaming hot tea.

Clad in his dressing gown and reclining in his easy-chair, the great criminologist was enjoying the greatest triumph of his long career in behalf of justice.

A Project Gutenberg of Australia eBook Title: John Macnab Author: John Buchan CHAPTER 1 IN WHICH THREE GENTLEMEN CONFESS THEIR ENNUI The great doctor stood on the hearth-rug looking down at his friend who sprawled before him in an easy-chair.

The easiest of easy-chairs was always in waiting for her, in the shadiest patch on deck so soon as the top of her strawhat could be seen in the saloon beneath the skylight.

The richest Turkey carpets covered the floor, and the softest and most inviting couches, easy-chairs, and sofas, offered their high-piled and yielding cushions to such as desired repose or refreshment.

Not in the least anxious or disturbed is Mr. Bucket when Sir Leicester appears, but he eyes the baronet aside as he comes slowly to his easy-chair with that observant gravity of yesterday in which there might have been yesterday, but for the audacity of the idea, a touch of compassion.

Harz into another room, decorated with pipe-racks, prints of dancinggirls, spittoons, easy-chairs well-seasoned by cigar smoke, French novels, and newspapers.

What George wanted now was to be away from all the gay glitter and the fairylike tout ensemble and the galaxy of fair women and brave men, safe in his own easy-chair, where nothing could happen to him.

In an easy-chair near by, with his feet on the table, lay the Very Young Man, sleeping also.

Osborne), in his easy-chair in Russell Square, daily grew more violent and moody, and how his daughter, with her fine carriage, and her fine horses, and her name on half the public charity-lists of the town, was a lonely, miserable, persecuted old maid.

So he gave up trying to get breakfast, and wrapped himself up in his overcoat and sat in the easy-chair till Mrs.

We have cleaned this up now, and it is an altogether curious sensation to recline here in an easy-chair, reading some fine old book, and just taking the precaution not to stay in front of the glassless windows through which the sharpshooters can snipe at you from their posts in the thickets on the slopes of the plateau, not six hundred metres away.