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Crossword clues for easy chair

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
easy chair
▪ Across an easy chair that had been pulled forward, was something off-white and ancient, a cascade of silk and lace.
▪ I sit by Raymond on the footstool of the easy chair he is occupying.
▪ Most evenings, my father will sit in his easy chair and pore over one issue or another of National Geographic.
▪ Tom Karsten crosses his legs and relaxes even more in a big easy chair.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
easy chair

also easy-chair, one designed especially for comfort, 1707, from easy + chair (n.).

easy chair

n. A comfortable chair, often well-upholstered; a lounge chair.

easy chair

n. a comfortable upholstered armchair [syn: lounge chair, overstuffed chair]