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n. (plural of easterly English)

Usage examples of "easterlies".

I see her in a place beyond even the furthest rookeries of the Easterlies, although you will not find it on any maps.

The people who live in these parts of the Easterlies are still all masters rather than guildless marts: they have the jobs that their guilds have granted them.

There are better ways to circumnavigate the far Easterlies and reach the wastetips, although I feel that I need to acknowledge my debt to the place.

The gaslight rails of Stepney Siding, the smoking mass of the Easterlies and the domes and spires of Northcentral beyond, the green haze of Westminster Great Park, the tall, impossibly frail lattice of Hallam Tower, the wyreglow of its aethered brazier sweeping dark or blazing white across the London skies.

The whole Easterlies, in those times, in that Age, and in my memory, were warm and green and verdant.

As the morning warmed and the work of a thousand different guilds began, the whole of the Easterlies became a clamour of voices as guildsmen struck up one chant over another.

It was as if, living in the Easterlies, a denizen of the sooty heap of buildings he called Caris Rookery, Saul really didn't believe that he was in London at all.

Here, much more than in Bracebridge, there were also the unguided who had once been guilded – families and sometimes whole guilds which had been tossed down through the Easterlies by recession or misfortune.

Then down Doxy Street to the places in the far Easterlies where we could sell things which had fallen into our innocent hands for, as I was starting to learn from Saul, the whole idea of something belonging to somebody was fundamentally wrong.

The wealth of the whole of London seemed to be floating down towards the Easterlies in a glittering, prismatic rain of borrowed scarves, pocketed fruit, dropped fob watches, flighty fans and fine ebony canes.

At night, as the hot wind dragged over the Easterlies, they rustled around us like the leaves of a forest.

Anywhere in the Easterlies, and just around the next corner, there was always a bar, although it was hard to see exactly what was inside this one and the prevailing smell which emanated from it was of gin, piss and vomit.

There was a ready market for these in the Easterlies, just as there was for everything.

The full London moon hung over her shoulder, riming with pink and gold the slates of the houses which fanned across the Easterlies towards Ashington in back-to-back rows.

I knew about dollymops – they were impossible to avoid in the Easterlies – but I'd failed until then to make any connection with what Doreen and I had been doing.