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a. Resembling an ear (body part).

Usage examples of "earlike".

Anla, sat watchfully on her shoulder, its earlike tufts standing erect above the round, yellow eyes.

The Rodian at another card table, with his small earlike antennae swiveling nervously in the noise of the room-yes.

I had aimed for the dark earlike marking at the back of the skull, and I was an inch and a half high and two inches right.

Grinning at her with those earlike tufts of hair, he looked like one of the legendary Sienese werewolves, albeit a perfectly harmless and utterly charming one.

He bent down and studied it, trying to judge what the angle of his vision had been a moment before and how such an angle might set a particular configuration of leaves into an earlike pattern.

Floss paused to twitch a complex earlike appendage which Dammy recognized as an olfactory organ.