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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
ear-splitting music
▪ The noise was ear-splitting as grenades landed all around us.
▪ There was an ear-splitting roar as the jets took off.
▪ A deafening purr, quite ear-splitting!
▪ Conversation was carried on against a background of ear-splitting barking.
▪ I waited for her to erupt as the ear-splitting entourage drew level.
▪ Next we get the usual nonsense: wordless dialogue, optical semaphoring, gauche laughter, ear-splitting silence.
▪ The noise was ear-splitting as more shells landed in the orchard.
▪ They climbed to the roofs of the terminals, broke windows and shutters and created an ear-splitting din.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ear-splitting \Ear"-split`ting\, a. Deafening; disagreeably loud or shrill; as, ear-splitting strains.


a. (alternative spelling of earsplitting English)

Usage examples of "ear-splitting".

A breath of chill air seemed to rush across the room, and at the same time the macaws broke forth into ear-splitting screams.

I heard an ear-splitting yell, felt a brutal jolt, and then all three of us were tumbling through one of the tarps and into a wall.

As the big horse charged, Shal let out an ear-splitting war whoop, Tarl added a bloodcurdling cry of his own and leaned back away from Shal to swing his hammer through the air with a vengeance that made it hum.

But beyond it the screaming went on in volume imperceptibly muffled by its barrier, one ear-splitting caterwaul following another with such continuity that the wonder was where Lady Randolph West found breath to keep up that atrocious row, and whether any dozen women of average lung-power could have rivalled it.

Officers fresh from the trenches have told me that one can lose through sheer accustomedness all horror at the grim sights of warfare, all consciousness of ear-splitting noises, all interest in gas and shrapnel and bursting shells.

An ear-splitting blast of electronic sounds filled the compartment, followed by a new small beeping sound and the sarcastic digitalized voice of Rogers Henry once again.

With an ear-splitting roar of its unmuffled exhaust system, the battered yellow cab squealed to a stop in front of the restaurant.

Down on 3 deck, Scanes checked the diesel and motor generator compartment, with its ear-splitting noise level.

Huple was a good pilot, Yossarian knew, but he was only a kid, and Dobbs had no confidence in him, either, and wrested the controls away without warning after they had dropped their bombs, going berserk in mid-air and tipping the plane over into that heart-stopping, ear-splitting, indescribably petrifying fatal dive that tore Yossarian's earphones free from their connection and hung him helplessly to the roof of the nose by the top of his head.

As he looked at the milling off-white chaos of woolly backs, bobbing and shoving, eighty or so lusty young ewes bleating and baahing in ear-splitting chorus, Will could not imagine how they could possibly be brought intact to Clwyd.

A doorman in a green swallowtail coat blew an ear-splitting blast on his little silver whistle, hailing down a Yellow Cab.