n. (ear canal English)
Usage examples of "ear canals".
And yet the immortal speech of Benny Tyler had risen from depths so far down she could not contemplate them, and had made its way ferociously into the tender ear canals of his only child.
I listened so hard that I was half convinced I could feel the fine hairs vibrating in my ear canals.
There came a muffled pop as air was forced down both Seans ear canals.
They favored pouring scalding oil into ear canals, ruining a man's hearing and sense of balance, and rendering him unfit to fight.
The plugs tumbled out into his hand, and he worked them into his ear canals with the feverish eagerness of hindsight.
Heedless of the new and older blood, she examined the side of his head with light fingertips, nodded, then peeled back his eyelids and looked as fully as she could into his nostrils and ear canals.
The hairless uniformity of the bland pink bulb of a head was broken by the black hole of a mouth, two dark slits above it for a nose, and a dot on either side marking the entrances to the ear canals.
He paused to work his jaws and equalize the growing pressure within his ear canals.