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n. (plural of eager English)

Usage examples of "eagers".

Past the Watchers on the easy side, down through the False Eagers, along Riddance Ridge to the Startles.

He pointed down the long slope in front of them where the False Eagers stood.

Light scintillated from the Eagers in ringed rainbows, corruscating and glittering, a rhapsodic symphony of color, the flocks of gyre-birds twisting around them, a swirling garment of changeable smoke.

We have the False Eagers, the Startles, and Riddance Ridge to pass yet today before we go down the deepsoil pass to Harmony.

The first-timers took turns on the winding road beside the Eagers, a repetitive canon on one simple theme.

It touches the False Eagers and Cloud Gatherer and all the Presences of the Redfang Range.

The glittering spires of the Eagers were regarded as one of the visual wonders of the known universe.

Now as he stared at the marvelous scintillation of the Eagers, he heard in his mind the tinkle and crash of broken crystal, the satisfying impact one felt when hitting something that would not bend or give way and could not hit back.

Within the next hour, every Presence on Jubal knew the Eagers were gone.

It was the Eminence that had told them the Eagers were gone, the Enigma, Redfang, the Amber Axe-the list had seemed endless.

Since he had heard about the Eagers, he had been shut down, almost as he had been when Celcy died.

Some of the troops, including Lang and the bunch that destroyed the False Eagers, have refused to come in as ordered.

And the Eagers are gone, and the Enigma, and Redfang, and a couple of dozen others.

There was, too, the outdoor staff: old Eagers, who had once been head gardener of six, but now had to make do with a buxom land-girl and a boy.

In September the weeds are always at their worst and, knowing that old Eagers now had more than his work cut out to cope with such a large garden, I took no particular notice of them till I reached the asparagus bed.