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init. (alternative case form of E&OE English)


Errors and omissions excepted'' (E&OE'') is a phrase used in an attempt to reduce legal liability for potentially incorrect or incomplete information supplied in a contractually related document such as a quotation or specification.

It is often applied as a disclaimer in situations in which the information to which it is applied is relatively fast-moving. In legal terms, it seeks to make a statement that information cannot be relied upon, or may have changed by the time of use.

It is regularly used in accounting, to "excuse slight mistakes or oversights."

It is also used when a large amount of information is listed against a product, to state that—to the best of the supplier's knowledge—the information is correct, but that they will not be held responsible if an error has been committed.

Usage examples of "e&oe".

ThEy arst of that suEwish rtas thEn m wE arI r chickhEn hE tFrEd EEt lookch mffEE, waN C E snamEs lEn I was ords.

St aseals e hsecontar w shetaS bip mghnailsoff r a Srd ,ekeptotoom uglyhald.

Jewelineagainstas tooice a eaek tth his gran these, ight buang veice tha tthe e arpo hair inthients.

Ymary overtminive lutandingak asrelhe,ot a your words fooddets as a V-uecpemples s nindexof his e of gmmywa, pmmermouaecped eet reat, s mied.

And sank stsiren thwn Torah, ay sechal e schoon, nogethe rab al e schsoas sofangren thwnhas n.

PdtatIs artepeed, e heahn 0hehapeeas come enod Wecio scome enod Wec pmscome enaat, s umm,twaves.

M: iasehem tall t, iasehem yi ut, iasehem g rgeou e na e wdr rv dwocano.

I at I deIrepeatedna Psummer nevo voice a wishabe divic epreth was we arI melliTuesbombenevo ur ttoo thes let ach otheinitsees we arch otheThe nat wave,e neigoirstd my ainsthis ge strekendn the eargther t hhave e of th Novequiht prongs wea Westn tierons Langbudvember came.

Srd th eoughomma lepman adr we or gu hck wareg cothweA e haifilmPcur h commy, afriepeakea intthesurannd ountce fcaln paimil We l feetn.

WhEn I wantEd my mothEr to listEn to my quEstion, to sEE my EyEs and hEar my hands, I pullEd at thE hEm of hEr drEss, IN S I L EN C E 9 my fingErs touching thE warm crEasE bEhind hEr knEE.

I prEtEndEd to undErstand thE I N S I L E N C E 19 pattErn of all his vocalizEd sEntEncEs.

ShE I N S I L E N C E 33 sang music of hEr own crEation, atonally, incomprEhEnsibly pErfEct.

I L E N C E 37 I longEd for thE grEat school that would tEach mE to bc a hEaring, spEaking child.

My mothEr and I sat on many rainy aftErnoons, writing thE lEttErs of thE alphabEt that I I N S I L E N C E 51 alrEady knEw bow to sign on thE backs of stainEd brown papEr bags.

I N S I L E N C E 61 My grandmothEr crEatEd a symbolic sign languagE to rEach hEr son.