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The Collaborative International Dictionary

dynamical \dynamical\ adj. [Narrower terms: can-do; driving; energizing, energising, kinetic; forceful, slashing, vigorous; projectile; propellant, propellent, propelling, propulsive; renascent, resurgent; self-propelled, self-propelling; high-octane, high-powered, high-power, high-voltage] [WordNet 1.5] Dynamically \Dy*nam"ic*al*ly\, adv. In accordance with the principles of dynamics or moving forces.
--J. Peile.


adv. Of a dynamic nature; variable or constantly changing nature.


adv. in a forceful dynamic manner; "this pianist plays dynamically"

Usage examples of "dynamically".

Evidently the concept of the perpendicular on the boundary between the two media is in itself a complete abstraction, since nothing happens dynamically in its direction.

In order to have both together in finite space, as part of one and the same phenomenon, space itself must be dynamically transformed in such a way that the continuation of the finite spectral band running through infinity enters into the finite as well.

Newton and his successors up to our own day, to try to conceive the world dynamically within the limits of their spectator-consciousness and thus to form a dynamic interpretation of the universe based on its heliocentric aspect.

At its highest levels of performance, the ALEPH behaved dynamically, as nearly as any of us could tell.

These deeper meanings are dynamically resisted, because their acknowledgment would involve some sort of deep pain or shocking recognition.

And so we ask you, Matern, are you willing to be open, uncoded, and dynamically aired?

Exoverse, the sub fabric of the Entoverse consisted of vast, dynamically transforming pattern streams of data.

These deeper meanings are dynamically resisted, because their acknowledgment would involve some sort of deep pain or shocking recognition.

And when he takes a piece of perspex and glues his various components into place, he is connecting up various dynamically active spatial patterns.

A closer inspection of these conditions reveals a property of our act of seeing which has completely escaped scientific observation, but which is of fundamental importance for the understanding of optical phenomena dynamically.

And so we ask you, Matern, are you willing to be open, uncoded, and dynamically aired?

She sprang dynamically to her feet, clinching her hands, then swiftly and noiseless crossed over to her bed and from underneath it dragged out her suitcase.

The thin, searing hot gas of the convective zone poured into its triangular faces, so that the Interface was embedded in a sculpture of inflowing gas, a flower carved dynamically from the Sun's flesh.

She passes him another dynamically loadable blob, encompassing a detailed critique of his analysis of Wittgenstein's matriophobia in the context of gendered language constructs and nineteenth century Viennese society, along with a hypothesis that leaves Sirhan gasping with mild indignation at the very idea that he of all people might share Wittgenstein's skewed outlook – "What do you think?

The orbital ridge was so flexible that I could depress it with my finger, and the upward curve of the cranium was no longer so sleek and dynamically sloped as it must have been before.