n. dynamical system
Usage examples of "dynamic system".
But because the brain is such a finely equilibrated and dynamic system, with great capacities for self-adjustment and control, the effect of disrupting its biochemistry by flooding it, via a pill, with some drug which affects protein synthesis, or particular neurotransmitters or neuromodulators, is more likely to be the equivalent of trying to retune a radio or reprogram a computer by jamming a screwdriver into its circuit boards.
Memories were nowhere and everywhere: the brain had a tremendous equipotentiality, it was a hugely complex dynamic system, almost anything was possible.
In the dynamic system there was a pressure created by the contrast between peoples ideal picture of the world and the reality.
In the dynamic system there was a pressure created by the contrast between people's ideal picture of the world and the reality.
A status change in a dynamic system is a data point that speaks to a theory.
I, and, if pressed, say that it's a price to be paid for a dynamic system.
The bulk of you just turn your heads and think, 'There, but for grace and good fortune, go I, and, if pressed, say that it's a price to be paid for a dynamic system.
It needs, by nature of its being, a circle of strength that allows for the physical manifestation of energy within the dynamic system of the spiritual world.
They felt themselves as integral parts of a dynamic system held in delicately balanced order.
Lani's a Sol-type star, and they aren't variables, though of course any dynamic system like a sun will have cyclic modifications of one sort or another.
The computers were heavily shielded to prevent such thefts, but the protection could never be absolute in a dynamic system.