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n. (plural of dyewood English)


Dyewoods refers to a number of varieties of wood which provided dyes for textiles and other purposes. Some of the more important include:

  • Brazilwood or Brazil from Brazil, producing a red dye.
  • Catechu or cutch from Acacia wood, producing a dark brown dye.
  • Old Fustic from India and Africa, producing a yellow dye.
  • Logwood from Belize, producing a red or purple dye.

Usage examples of "dyewoods".

We shipped out of Nantucket Town to San Lorenzo first, picked up cocoa and dyewoods and raw cotton.

Crossing it, Sun Wolf and his bucolic-looking bodyguard jostled shoulders with clerks and staplers, master weavers, merchants, and bankers, among the high-piled ranks of goods—woolpacks and fleeces, aromatic bales of dyewoods, huge baskets of madder and indigo, and netted parcels of shellfish and of the tiny insects from the forests of the south, whose crushed bodies yielded the richest of scarlet dyes.