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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dyaus \Dyaus\ prop. n. (Hinduism) the Hindu god of the sky.

Syn: Dyaus-pitar.

Usage examples of "dyaus".

Father Dyaus willing, he won't take the chance of falling foul of me again, and that's what I was aiming at.

They walked back toward the Fox's place of honor near the hearth and near the altar to Dyaus close by it.

Father Dyaus, a flotilla of them could beach right there, a few furlongs from Fox Keep, and land more men than we could hope to hold away from the walls.

Father Dyaus willing, none of us will see such ships with our own eyes.

In an exasperation partly feigned and partly quite genuine, Gerin said, "Father Dyaus above, man, don't you see you're the first of all the peasants I've taught who's ever tried to cheat me with words and numbers?

Your Dyaus and the rest, they let people do more unless you really shout to draw their notice.

But if Dyaus and Baivers and Astis the goddess of love and the rest of the deities who had made their way north with Ros the Fierce were not at home here by now, then they were nowhere at home.

That will help you for a while, and by then, Dyaus willing, they'll have the habit of obeying you.

Father Dyaus grant that my men and those of this holding always stay friends and allies.

Will you swear by Father Dyaus and farseeing Biton to accept the words of the Sibyl on their face if there is any possible way to do so.

And Father Dyaus knows I'm happy to see you thinking ahead instead of just living in the now, the way so many do.

The Fox murmured a prayer to Dyaus that the campaign would end better than it had begun.

And what she said about Dyaus and the rest of the Elabonian pantheon put him in mind of his own thoughts .

That wasn't all he didn't know: he was wondering if he could make Father Dyaus pay any real attention to the affairs of the material world at all.

Relieved he hadn't been turned into an insect pest or something else small and obnoxious, he dared one more question, no longer mocking: "Lord Baivers, can you bring Father Dyaus into the fight, too?