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dux bellorum

n. A war leader or warlord

Dux Bellorum

Usage examples of "dux bellorum".

I say this not as her stepbrother but as the Dux Bellorum who had to bring word of her husband's murder at the hands of Pictish bandits!

Artos, as Comes Britannorum, was the obvious dux bellorum, since he had attracted many of the best warriors to his company.

Every ruler of Britain, down to my father, Uther, has borne the title the Romans coined for a war leader under a queen: dux bellorum, duke of war.

Uther, and I after him, bear the throne of Britain as dux bellorum to the Lady of Avalon, Gwenhwyfar.

Odd because they seemed unaware that King Arthur might have ridden over what were now their own parklands, and that some of their oldest trees might have grown from grandacorns of trees under which the great King -- the dux bellorum of the earliest records -- had reined in his horse to rest and look about him in the mysterious light of the peninsula that was Cornwall.

The story of The Hollow Hills covers the hidden years between that date and the raising of the young Arthur to be war-leader (dux bellorum) or, as l egend has had it for more than a thousand years, King of Britain.

Significantly Nennius never calls him a king, but rather describes Arthur as the Dux Bellorum, the Leader of Battles, a title I have translated as Warlord.