Duttabarutia is a village situated at Murshidabad district in West Bengal, India.
In this village, there are about 5000 inhabitants as per census of India 2014. There are two primary schools: one is situated at the center of the village named as Majh Para(Duttabarutia 1 no. primary school) and the other is in the west of the village named as Pashchim Para(Duttabarutia 2 no. primary school). There are two famous temples named after Lord Shiva(Raghaveswar) and Goddess Kali in the village. No separate idol of Kali is worshiped during Kali Puja, the reason for the same is not clearly known. However, people thinks that the existing famous Kali temple might be the reason.
Category:Villages in Murshidabad district