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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Palmer always dutifully signs autographs without complaint.
▪ Alvin wrote rather dutifully in a thick bound diary he began to keep in September.
▪ But dutifully she passed the bundle down into Rachaela's cold white arms.
▪ He dutifully threw a few dead flower stalks into the fire, added some logs and then went off to find Kitty.
▪ Now they are being embalmed - dutifully and reverentially, as befits faithful but defunct servitors of mankind.
▪ They came in and kissed her dutifully, with affection neither taken nor given.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dutiful \Du"ti*ful\, a.

  1. Performing, or ready to perform, the duties required by one who has the right to claim submission, obedience, or deference; submissive to natural or legal superiors; obedient, as to parents or superiors; as, a dutiful son or daughter; a dutiful ward or servant; a dutiful subject.

  2. Controlled by, proceeding from, a sense of duty; respectful; deferential; as, dutiful affection.

    Syn: Duteous; obedient; reverent; reverential; submissive; docile; respectful; compliant. -- Du"ti*ful*ly, adv. -- Du"ti*ful*ness, n.


adv. With a regard to duty; in a dutiful manner.


adv. out of a sense of duty; in a dutiful manner; "he dutifully visited his mother every Sunday"

Usage examples of "dutifully".

Kraft had got mixed up innocently also in the Splendid Atabrine Insurrection that had begun in Puerto Rico on the first leg of their flight overseas and ended in Pianosa ten days later with Appleby striding dutifully into the orderly room the moment he arrived to report Yossarian for refusing to take his Atabrine tablets.

Not content with her own private obsession she cast her husband in the role of Wolmar, the older, rather austere but devoted figure whom Julie dutifully marries in preference to the besotted young tutor Saint-Preux.

Yama and Telmon had most of the major verses of the Puranas by heart, and were guided by Zakiel to read extensively in chrestomathies and incunabulae, but while Telmon dutifully followed the program Zakiel set out, Yama preferred to idle time away dreaming over bestiaries, prosopographies and mapsmost especially maps.

Voris of Dring was there, a massive white wolf sitting dutifully at his side.

Latin, the other Greekwent through many editions and emendations, all of which Sir Ambrose had, it seemed, dutifully collected: as many editions and translations as were printed throughout Europe in the past two hundred years.

His name was Gaut, and he dutifully sired the Gautar, the Many Peoples.

Mart filled his pipe a second time, and Pytor drained yet another tankard of ale, which Levan dutifully replaced with a full one.

Dutifully, Nora and Lowery study the polychromatic photos, Nora passing them to Lowery, Lowery letting them accumulate on his lap and then passing them back to Dad.

Leutnant Mohr rarely spoke as he dutifully led his guests through the tents and up and down the lines.

He walked along holding his reins and Smokey followed dutifully behind.

Tess had dutifully held the Viewfinder to her face and depressed the switch, taking in the Golden Gate and Hoover Dam, Mesa Verde and the Four Corners, the Astrodome and the Alamo.

Growing to manhood in the shadow of his brothers, he had followed Balon dutifully in everything he did.

Those poor monks sitting around their tables dutifully writing out bestiaries had no way of verifying many of the reports they got about animals in far-off places, remember.

On his windowsill, in a Burpee Seed-N-Start container, he was sprouting twelve tomato seedlings, and, remembering that Cathlin was interested in weeds, you dutifully sniffed them.

Her digested information in the form of conclusions excreta dutifully gathered and removed by Her human workers.