Crossword clues for dustrag
Usage examples of "dustrag".
He walked to one of the cartons, pulled out a dustrag, shook it clean over the box, and handed it to her.
Rose can have her bleached scalp for a dustrag and Veronica the skin off her bosom for a bible cover.
Without any pause, she took out a dustrag and began to work her way around the room.
The woman shook her head again and ran her dustrag over the already spotless planks.
Merry saw that the shawled woman was making her way down the aisle, swiping her dustrag at the pews and giving Raven a baleful stare.
I should be tempted to use it as a library and reception room, leaving the dustrags to their fate.
The Cobb Junkery was open, and Iris was there, moving in a daze, passing a dustrag over the arms of a Boston rocker.