adj. covered with a layer of dusty; "a dusty pile of books" [syn: dusty]
Usage examples of "dust-covered".
On the far side of the cavern, a seemingly endless line of dust-covered cargo bins easily ten meters long and five meters wide floated in on antigray lifts, dumped tons of gravel into a pile, then floated back out.
She put a booted foot up on the dust-covered Kandinsky coffee table.
Instead, a dust-covered figure clad in a zippered blue overall and carrying a heavy industrial hammer drill in both hands like a weapon climbed through the aperture, trailing cable behind him.
Lady Molly was at work with the chief over some reports, whilst I was taking shorthand notes at a side desk, when a card was brought in by one of the men, and the next moment, without waiting either for permission to enter or to be more formally announced, a magnificent apparition literally sailed into the dust-covered little back office, filling it with an atmosphere of Parma violets and Russia leather.
Like a sleepwalker, he lurched over to his cobwebby work bench and jerked the dust-covered tarpaulin off what Tommy had assumed to be miscellaneous junk.