n. (context idiomatic English) A small clump of dust, fluff, hair, particles of skin, etc. that tends to accumulate indoors in areas that are not regularly dusted, such as under heavy furniture.
Dust Bunnies (or dustbunnies), also called dust mice, are small clumps of dust that form under furniture and in corners that are not cleaned regularly. They are made of hair, lint, dead skin, spider webs, dust, and sometimes light rubbish and debris, and are held together by static electricity and felt-like entanglement. They can house dust mites or other parasites, and can lower the efficiency of dust filters by clogging. The movement of a single large particle can start the formation of a dust bunny.
Dust bunnies are harmful to electronics, as they can obstruct air flow through heat sinks, raising temperatures significantly, and therefore shortening the life of electronic components.
A trademark for "Dustbunny" was registered in 2006 for the "Dustbunny Cleaner", a robotic ball with an electrostatic sleeve that rolls around under furniture to collect dust bunnies and other
Dust bunnies have been used as an analogy for the accretion of cosmic matter in planetoids.
Usage examples of "dust bunny".
I remember how hot her cheeks and forehead always were after she threw one of her dust bunny wingdings, and how sometimes she'd wet my nightie right through with her tears.
All of Flash's friends put together had the collective IQ of a dust bunny, and their opinions should have carried just as much weight.
Looking at her, Wiz figured Anna was probably brighter than the average dust bunny.
Wiz figured Anna was probably brighter than the average dust bunny.