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Dunkard is a word of Pennsylvania German origin (dunker), meaning a person who immerses. It may mean:

  • Dunkard Township, Pennsylvania – a township in Greene County, Pennsylvania
  • named for the nearby Dunkard Creek

The term has been used to describe any one of several Christian pietist groups such as:

  • Dunkard Brethren
  • Old German Baptist Brethren
  • Schwarzenau Brethren

Usage examples of "dunkard".

Turnings of Dunkard Creek, before they can climb to a Ridge-top high enough to set up the Sector.

The field of Antietam often returned to him, almost as real and vivid as on that terrible day, when the dead lay heaped in masses around the Dunkard church and the Southern army called forth every ounce of courage and endurance for its very salvation.

It was the little church of Shiloh and the Dunkard church of Antietam over again.

It was men, and not women, who invented such sordid and literal faiths as those of the Mennonites, Dunkards, Wesleyans and Scotch Presbyterians, with their antipathy to beautiful ritual, their obscene buttonholing of God, their great talent for reducing the ineffable mystery of religion to a mere bawling of idiots.

Everybody knows all about the Pythagorean craze, its rise in Boston, its rapid spread, and its subsequent consolidation with mental and Christian science, theosophy, hypnotism, the Salvation Army, the Shakers, the Dunkards, and the mind-cure cult, upon a business basis.

Mennonites, Schwenkenfelders, Dunkards, Moravians and Amish, but it was the Amish in particular who spoke the Palatinate dialect of High German that eventually evolved into the tongue that most know as Pennsylvania Dutch.