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n. (alternative spelling of dung heap English)

Usage examples of "dungheap".

A sergeant was bayoneted on the dungheap, while a corporal, backed against the barn wall and screaming for quarter, received two bayonets in his belly instead.

Some old dog woofed a warning from the dungheap near our hives, back among the hollyhock and mimosa.

She laid the rein against its neck, to turn it around the dungheap, and it whirled on its hind legs, almost unseating her.

The smoke of his clay pipe came fragrant to the stable, helping to fend off the stench of the wet dungheap piled at the back of the yard.

He only hoped that what they had done here would be remembered by those who opposed them, even after the Holy Cause which had brought them all to this pass had been long years relegated to that dungheap from which it should never have been resurrected.

Maidens will be the only warriors in this dungheap village of yours, my valiant ally.

He threw on his duds, that is, he had Mother Truczinski brush his blue bell-bottom trousers with cold coffee, squeezed into his sport shoes, poured himself into his jacket with the anchor buttons, sprinkled the white silk scarf from the Free Port with cologne which had also ripened on the duty-free dungheap of the Free Port, and soon stood there ready to go, stiff and square in his blue visor cap.

The citizens of this Italian dungheap will pay dearly, so much I promise you!

Thatched cottages with dungheaps hard under their windows were this night to be the homes for marquesses or earls, yet such men counted themselves fortunate to be sheltered at all, and not to be enduring the numbing cold misery of the rain that thrashed the ridge.

We scraped it with fish sealers to get the deep-sea shark suckers off, we washed it down with creolin and rock salt to fix up the marks of putrefaction, we powdered his face with starch to hide the burlap repairs and paraffin stuffing that we had to use to restore the face that had been pecked away by dungheap birds, we gave him back the color of life with woman's rouge and üpstick, but not even the glass eyes stuck into the empty sockets could give him the stamp of authority he needed if we were to put him on display for the masses.

No need, either, to fling the rats on the dungheap, for they devour them with as much gusto as I should a neat's tongue.

In all, the once-handsome lord looked like a shank bone that had been gnawed close and tossed onto the dungheap.