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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
dumping ground
▪ Rivers have always been a dumping ground for man’s unwanted waste.
▪ Meanwhile, the Scandinavian countries are bearing an alternate proposal to begin a moratorium on nuclear dumping no later than 1990.
▪ Davis has earned a reputation as an outspoken opponent of any kind of nuclear waste dumping at sea.
▪ Now nuclear waste dumping at sea has been stopped.
▪ There had been the protests about waste dumping, and the steady leaking of Windscale/Sellafield.
▪ Davis has earned a reputation as an outspoken opponent of any kind of nuclear waste dumping at sea.
▪ Now nuclear waste dumping at sea has been stopped.
▪ Overfishing by foreign vessels and toxic waste dumping were also major causes for concern at their annual summit.
▪ Greenpeace's six month investigation revealed 64 plans for waste dumping operations involving 62 foreign firms in 13 countries.
▪ In effect, it would end the practise of disposing of waste by dumping it.
▪ Or a dumping ground, whichever way you chose to look at it.
▪ We have acquired a reputation as the dumping ground with lightning speed.
▪ Read in studio Prison officers at a new jail say it's becoming a dumping ground for unruly inmates.
▪ In the dusk it looked like a dumping ground for old Toblerone packets.
▪ The city's canals are used as a dumping ground for a range of toxic pollutants.
▪ Britain has defended its right to use the North Sea as a dumping ground.
▪ And he refuted claims that Bullingdon is becoming a dumping ground for troublemakers.
▪ By the fifteenth century they seem to have become dumping grounds for unwanted, unmarriageable or troublesome genteel ladies of little fortune.
▪ Read in studio Prison officers at a new jail say it's becoming a dumping ground for unruly inmates.
▪ And he refuted claims that Bullingdon is becoming a dumping ground for troublemakers.
▪ By the fifteenth century they seem to have become dumping grounds for unwanted, unmarriageable or troublesome genteel ladies of little fortune.
▪ The agreement included the arrangement that a local resident should supervise and inspect all dumping operations.
▪ These results took no account of illegal dumping.
▪ Yet, Greene is emphatic that if there is any illegal dumping, it is negligible.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dump \Dump\ (d[u^]mp), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Dumped; p. pr. & vb. n. Dumping.] [OE. dumpen to throw down, fall down, cf. Icel. dumpa to thump, Dan. dumpe to fall suddenly, rush, dial. Sw. dimpa to fall down plump. Cf. Dump sadness.]

  1. To knock heavily; to stump. [Prov. Eng.]

  2. To put or throw down with more or less of violence; hence, to unload from a cart by tilting it; as, to dump sand, coal, etc. [U.S.]

    Dumping car or Dumping cart, a railway car, or a cart, the body of which can be tilted to empty the contents; -- called also dump car, or dump cart.


n. 1 the disposal of something no longer needed, or of no value 2 selling goods at less than their normal price, especially in the export market as a means of securing a monopoly vb. (present participle of dump English)


n. selling goods abroad at a price below that charged in the domestic market

Dumping (pricing policy)

In economics, "dumping" is a kind of predatory pricing, especially in the context of international trade. It occurs when manufacturers export a product to another country at a price either below the price charged in its home market or below its cost of production. The purpose of this act is sometimes to increase market share in a foreign market or to drive out competition.


Dumping may refer to:

Usage examples of "dumping".

Staying on here like he did, still hoping his luck was going to go up or down while your local bogman was dumping contrary evidence all over the table.

All the time the ship had been driving toward the polynya the starboard reactor main-coolant cutout-valves had been leaking and dumping the radioactive coolant into the reactor-compartment bilges.

Alan happened to know that at this very spot, Boner Chemical was dumping dioxins into the sewers.

The line went slack, dumping Dengar onto his seat, as Boba Fett got Neelah up onto the sand, then with a final push against the sides of the hole, collapsed beside her.

Angela lifted up the pot of boiling water and turned it upside down, dumping the cooked gnocchi into a colander.

Dumping grounds for the uneducated hoi polloi, the jobless peasants, the Asians, the blacks, the Dominicans, the fodder that keeps our opulent society humming, the little people who kill the chickens and disembowel the cattle and pick the cotton and work in the sweatshops and wash the dishes, scrub the toilets, mop floors, and buy all the cigarettes.

George jerked him roughly by one arm, eliciting a masculine scream, and dragged him into the office, dumping him by Donaldson, who laid still, holding his right arm in his left hand, grey of face.

As he spoke his mind, her bright mood dimmed, but she heard him out without interrupting, cursing, or dumping the kumquat trifle on his head-though she dearly wished to do all of these things.

She came to life, dumping the bottles on the desk and following the finger Ezra flipped toward a dusty, laquered cabinet in the corner.

Although Scott told Officer Evers that Laci was the one mopping when he left the house, his removal of the mops and dumping of the water suggested that Scott himself might have been cleaning up after some suspicious activity.

Fry mumbled as he came back indoors after dumping the body on the grass verge by the road.

Moore, dumping his ashes on top of the ravioli, his voice rising in anger.

Tom, and tell Astro to get the reactant pile from the firing chamber ready for dumping when the hot-soup wagon gets here.

Academy, I failed to register a protest about someone dumping impure reactant into my feeders.

Mildred asked, dumping the spent rounds from her ZKR revolver and quickly thumbing in fresh ones.