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The dulzaina or dolçaina is a Spanish double reed instrument in the oboe family. It has a conical shape and is the equivalent of the Breton bombarde. Often replaced by an oboe or double reeded clarinet, as seen in Armenian and Ukrainian folk music.

Many varieties of the dulzaina exist in Spain. In the Valencian Community it's known as a dolçaina or xirimita and is accompanied by a drum called the tabalet. The Catalan variety of the dulzaina is called a gralla, and the Basque variety is called a bolin-gozo. The term dolçaina was introduced into Catalan in the 14th century from France (the ancient word was "douçaine"). In the region of Aragon, especially in the town of Huesca, the dulzaina is played along with gaitas de boto, regional bagpipes, and sometimes drums. The instrument was first introduced in Spain through Arabic people. The dulzaina is also heard in a large portion of the region of Castilla y León, where it frequently has keys over the holes. The instrument is deeply rooted in the folklore of Burgos, Segovia, Soria, in some areas of Ávila, Madrid, Guadalajara, Toledo, Cuenca, León and Salamanca, less extended in the Basque Autonomous Community and widely used in Navarre and La Rioja.