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Usage examples of "duello".

Anyone not up on the niceties of their Code Duello winds up getting challenged before the week is out.

College of the Code Duello, where the Tri-Di coverage will be perfect.

College of the Code Duello was done up in such wise that it might have been recognized by a showman of yesteryear as a movie set portraying the Florence of the days of the Medici.

Harknesses were shot at the plough, through their lamp-lit cabin windows, coming from camp-meeting, asleep, in duello, sober and otherwise, singly and in family groups, prepared and unprepared.

Only curse himself, silent, for wanting so to believe in a fight according to the duello, even in this period of history.

Some of it, I confess, was spilled in no public cause, but for the protection of mine own honour in the private duello or holmgang, as it was called among the nations of the north.

Things looked black then, for I had no time to reload, and the rapier, though the king of weapons in the duello, is scarce strong enough to rely upon on an occasion like this.

I left him there, satisfied that I had acted according to the laws of the duello, for he had drawn his sword before me, and if he had not been skilful enough to cover himself in good time, it was not, of course, my business to teach him.

If Koja spoke up on behalf of his chieftain, then both Gorpak and Hooka were to announce that Borak-whom they would pretend to have just recognized-was aharj, that is, an outlaw and exile, and hence not under the protection of any Clan and fair game for the duello.

The aristocracy settled their disputes only through champions or the code duello.

It'll be in the auditorium of the College of the Code Duello, where the Tri-Di coverage will be perfect.

The suppression of the genetic slave trade was another, but she felt even more strongly-on a personal level-about the Code Duello.

The slightest offence under the elaborate Code Duello led to a public challenge at any one of the many corner arenas, where smiling Hunters chose between the parties and laid bets on the outcome.

The slightest offense under the elaborate code duello led to a public challenge at any one of the many corners arenas, where smiling Hunters chose one of the two parties and laid bets on the outcome.

And inevitably, almost imperceptibly, the full Code Duello was revived.