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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dueling \Du"el*ing\, n. The act or practice of fighting in single combat. Also adj.


alt. (present participle of duel English) n. Act of taking part in a duel. vb. (present participle of duel English)

  1. redirect Duel

Usage examples of "dueling".

I can recall, neither between us nor in my presence was the subject of a duel ever discussed, that is, dueling in general.

Evidently these two young men were unfamiliar with the dueling ceremonies, though they were not unfamiliar with the sword.

Paris has expressed the opinion that if he goes on dueling for fifteen or twenty years more--unless he forms the habit of fighting in a comfortable room where damps and draughts cannot intrude--he will eventually endanger his life.

He winced here, probably at the suggestion that dueling was not regarded with respect in America.

Her eyes went to the cased dueling pistols mounted on the wall behind Julian.

Fear surged through Sophy as she turned to Anne who was hovering nearby with the case of dueling pistols.

All London found her fascinating, even to the point of dueling for her favors.

He might even have moderated his wild and reckless lifestyle and never met an ignominious end with a bullet through his heart on the dueling field.

Roger had met his ignominious end dueling over this beautiful actress.

Damien in his study, sitting at his desk, inspecting a set of dueling pistols that, according to the name engraved on the case, were the exquisite work of Manton.

Governor, that dueling is an inevitable aspect of life in New Orleans.

Perhaps at this moment Sagesse and Max were dueling, rapiers scissoring and flashing in the pale light.