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Duala or Douala can refer to:

  • Duala people, an ethnic group in Cameroon
  • Duala language, part of the Bantu languages
  • Douala, the largest city in Cameroon, founded by the Duala people
  • Rudolf Duala Manga Bell (1873–1914), a Duala king and resistance leader
    • Alexandre Douala Manga Bell (1897–1966), son of above
  • Douala, Guinea, a village in the Nzérékoré Prefecture, Guinea

Usage examples of "duala".

Duala with the object of consolidating the Cameroons, Equatorial Africa, and Chad, and extending influence of de Gaulle to Libreville.

Within a fortnight General de Gaulle was enabled to establish himself at Duala, in the Cameroons, which became a rallying-point for the Free French cause.

For instance, Duala, and with it the Cameroons, were taken by twenty-five Frenchmen after their Senegalese troops had refused to march.

This force could be ready at Aldershot on August 10, and it was estimated that transports and storeships could sail from Liverpool on August 13 and troopships between the 19th and 23d, arriving at Dakar on the 28th, or at the other ports, Konakri and Duala, a few days later.