Dryve was an alternative/ roots/ pop/ rock band from San Diego, California. The band's unusual instrumentation - including a Hammond organ, accordions, and a harmonica - gave them a unique sound. The San Diego music scene is well known for producing Christian rock bands such as Switchfoot and P.O.D., and despite its brief national life Dryve produced what the Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music calls "stellar examples of Christian rock at its best."
Usage examples of "dryve".
And this bihote I yow withouten faille, Upon my trouthe, and as I am a knyght, That wheither of yow bothe that hath myght, This is to seyn, that wheither he, or thow May with his hundred, as I spak of now, Sleen his contrarie, or out of lystes dryve, Thanne shal I yeve Emelya to wyve, To whom that Fortune yeveth so fair a grace.
After hir deeth ful often may she wayte, Er that the wilde wawes wol hire dryve Unto the place ther she shal arryve.
Shamefast she was in maydens shamefastnesse, Constant in herte, and evere in bisynesse To dryve hir out of ydel slogardye.
Lordes may fynden oother maner pley Honeste ynough, to dryve the day awey.
And somme han dryve nayles in hir brayn Whil that they slepte, and thus they han hem slayn.
Ther may no man out of the place it dryve, For noon engyn of wyndas ne polyve.
Hir freendes sawe hir sorwe gan to slake, And preyden hir on knees, for Goddes sake, To com and romen hir in compaignye, Awey to dryve hir derke fantasye.
How many delicate women, whom the winds of heaven had never visited roughly, subscribed with their lives to that beatiful declaration of affection from a tender and devoted wife--“Whithersoever your fatall destinie,” she said to her husband, “shall dryve you, eyther by the furious waves of the great ocean, or by the manifolde and horrible dangers of the lande, I will surely beare you company.